Title: turbo
Browse item: https://iochem-bd.bsc.es:443/browse/handle/100/314899
Program: TURBOMOLE 7.3
Author: Vlaisavljevich, Bess
Formula: C6H18B3U
Calculation type: Geometry optimization Minimum
Method(s): U-DFT (pbe0, ri-j, gridsize:m4)
Temperature 298.1 K
Pressure 1.0 bar


Atomic coordinates [Å] (optimized)

Atom x y z BASIS SET
TYPE (Primitive) / [Contracted]



Symmetry group of the molecule c1
Symmetry operators: c1(z)
Charge 0
Multiplicity 4

Bond distances

Atom1 Atom2 Distance
U1 B9 2.509260
U1 B8 2.509006
U1 B10 2.508715
C2 C7 1.400343
C2 C3 1.395056
C2 H26 1.082482
C3 C4 1.400018
C3 H27 1.082546
C4 C5 1.395223
C4 H28 1.082482
C5 C6 1.400036
C5 H23 1.082552
C6 C7 1.395256
C6 H24 1.082407
C7 H25 1.082543
B8 H15 1.250520
B8 H17 1.249870
B8 H16 1.244389
B8 H18 1.194689
B9 H11 1.250466
B9 H14 1.249685
B9 H12 1.244401
B9 H13 1.194703
B10 H22 1.250410
B10 H19 1.250121
B10 H21 1.244637
B10 H20 1.194725


Electrostatic moments



Dipole moment

x 40.706546 -37.907731 2.798815
y 0.217793 -0.208076 0.009717
z 3.129363 -2.910614 0.218749
μ [Debye] 7.1356

Quadrupole moment

xx 822.802968 -901.346726 -78.543758
yy 468.352856 -547.119487 -78.766631
zz 468.674316 -547.375192 -78.700877
xy 2.254704 -2.296538 -0.041833
xz 28.054838 -28.037934 0.016904
yz -0.450028 0.468239 0.018211
1/3 trace -78.670422
Anisotropy 0.215507

Orbitals specifications

Serial 1
Label a
Occupied orbitals alpha 52
Occupied orbitals beta 49
Secondary orbitals alpha 434
Secondary orbitals beta 437
Number of basis functions 486

Frontier orbitals

Spin alpha orbitals

All Homo/Lumo range:

Spin beta orbitals

All Homo/Lumo range:

Final results

Total energy pbe0 -790.6531251576 Eh
Zero point vibrational energy 0.21877735712 Eh
Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy 0.1762902154 Eh
Thermal correction to Energy 0.2331708048 Eh
Thermal correction to Enthalpy 0.2341153867 Eh
Gibbs energy -790.4768349422 Eh
Multiplicity (from alpha-beta) 4
<S^2> 3.759 (expected value: 3.750)

IR spectrum

Selected frequency :

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