ioChem-BD Browse module - collection page
nitrate_reduction Collection home page
Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
View as
- birch_murnaghan
- cu
- 100
- 101
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- opt
- zn
- 100
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- 95
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- opt
- cu
- cu
- h2no
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- hno
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- hnoh
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- n
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- n2
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- nh2oh
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- no
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- noh
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- h2no
- surface_coverage
- cu
- h
- 1
- frequency
- 2
- frequency
- 3
- frequency
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- frequency
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- frequency
- 6
- frequency
- 1
- o
- 1
- frequency
- 2
- frequency
- 3
- frequency
- 4
- frequency
- 1
- oh
- 1
- frequency
- 2
- frequency
- 3
- frequency
- 4
- frequency
- 1
- h
- zn
- h
- 1
- frequency
- 2
- frequency
- 3
- frequency
- 4
- frequency
- 5
- frequency
- 1
- o
- 1
- frequency
- 2
- frequency
- 1
- oh
- 1
- frequency
- 2
- frequency
- 1
- h
- cu
- zn
- h2no
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- hno
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- hnoh
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- n
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- n2
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- nh2oh
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- no
- most_stable
- frequency
- most_stable
- noh
- most_stable
- h2no
- birch_murnaghan